
uploaded some new photos on my >>flickr<<


rode the buses and ate expensive food in the park 
while the sun caressed the back of my neck...



A dream tree, Polly's tree:
 a thicket of sticks,
  each speckled twig

ending in a thin-paned
 leaf unlike any
  other on it

or in a ghost flower
 flat as paper and
  of a color

vaporish as frost-breath,
 more finical than
  any silk fan

the Chinese ladies use
 to stir robin's egg
  air. The silver-

haired seed of the milkweed
 comes to roost there, frail
  as the halo

rayed round a candle flame,
 a will-o'-the-wisp
  nimbus, or puff

of cloud-stuff, tipping her
 queer candelabrum.
  Palely lit by

snuff-ruffed dandelions,
 white daisy wheels and
  a tiger faced

pansy, it glows. O it's
 no family tree,
  Polly's tree, nor

a tree of heaven, though
 it marry quartz-flake,
  feather and rose.

It sprang from her pillow
 whole as a cobweb
  ribbed like a hand,

a dream tree. Polly's tree
 wears a valentine
  arc of tear-pearled

bleeding hearts on its sleeve
 and, crowning it, one
  blue larkspur star.


(drowning in baggy clothes to make myself feel safe)


 david hamilton




Begin in a crowd. Choose person A. Walk away so there is the greatest possible incremental distance between you and A. Then choose person B, and walk away from both such that there is the greatest incremental distance between you, A, and B. Then choose C, then another, and another, until you are walking away from n number of persons and are farthest away from n number of them, where n increases to infinity. - Wataru Tsurumi, the complete guide to suicide



clearing out my bedroom, i want it to be empty
(look what i found!)


the internet is dumb, i should stick to pressing flowers in my journal


i'd let you do anything to me
because that's all i can do.
because i feel inadequate.
you make me feel so vulnerable. like a wound.


missing winter